Sculptra Aesthetic

Split Rock Botox

Are You Ready For Sculptra?

With Offices in Greenwich & Wilton Serving Fairfield County

When it comes to a full-facial rejuvenation, Lisa Topham, RN, BSN is well known for her use of  Sculptra®  in her practice. It’s the premier Liquid Facelift working in a multifunctional capacity to effectively treat the facial foundation, restore the underlying structure of the skin and diminish the appearance of wrinkles and folds.  Deep injections of Sculptra replace bone and fat pads. Superficial injections fill fine lines and creases.

This bio-friendly injectable, made from Poly l Lactic acid, is both highly tolerable and biocompatible with other injectable fillers. It works to restore volume by stimulating the body to produce collagen, a key element that provides volume and gives shape and fullness to the face. Collagen stops being produced by the body at about age 30. As a result, wrinkles, lines and folds gradually appear and deepen over time. By age 50, not only soft tissue,  but bone density, begins to lessen, resulting in an aged appearance.

At Split Rock, injectables practitioner Lisa Topham has found that Sculptra Aesthetic gradually replaces lost collagen, providing structure and volume to restore the look of youth. It is often used in conjunction with other fillers to achieve the most subtle, natural look that essentially makes you look like yourself, only more refreshed and youthful.

Once collagen is restored, volume gradually increases along the jaw line, forehead, mid-face, and cheeks. Hollowness beneath the eyes, nasolabila folds, and chin is reversed, and the upper lip area is plumped. Additionally, Sculptra Aesthetic works wonders on the décolletage and on the backs of hands.

Try Sculptra with PRF!

Combining the power of PRF and Sculptra in one injection is the latest skincare breakthrough that provides the most NATURAL looking results without the OVERDONE look. Rebuild and regenerate collagen and elastin NATURALLY to achieve glowing skin with optimum volume, smoothed out wrinkles, and reduced sagging.


✔PRF contains a “Fibrin Clot” with added benefits” that PRP does not offer.  Fibrin clots give a slower release of growth factors up to 1 week versus a few minutes from PRP

✔PRF contains a higher concentration of platelets, leukocytes, stem cells and erythrocytes.

✔PRF does not contain the additives and anticoagulants (blood thinner) that can cause pain during injection.

✔PRF cells remain intact without any impurities e.g. plastic that is found in PRP solutions


The number of treatments depends on the quality of your existing skin, tissue laxity and surrounding bone loss. Although, results can be seen after one treatment, three treatment sessions are recommended to achieve the best outcome.*


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Experience Matters

Lisa Topham studied the procedure with world-renowned physician Danny Vleggaar, a pioneer in non-surgical facial sculpting and the leading practitioner of Sculptra Aesthetic.

During an office procedure, Lisa injects the product into all areas needing volume correction and gently massages to create a smooth appearance. Requiring only a topical anesthetic, treatment is typically given in a series of three to four sessions, each producing a higher level of correction. Results emerge subtly and can last up to two years. Little down time is expected, but patients will be instructed on how to massage treated areas during the healing process.*

Prices vary.


"Lisa is absolutely the best at what she does! Highly recommend!"

~ Sarah Giggar

*The effectiveness of diagnosis and treatment vary by patient and condition. We do not guarantee certain results.