Custom Facials & Microdermabrasion


Ready To Relax?

Serving Fairfield County with Offices in Greenwich & Wilton

Choosing the type of aesthetic treatment facial is highly personal. Some facial treatments are designed to deep-clean the skin, while others offer moisturizing and anti-aging benefits, and still others help to relieve stress, which often causes acne.

While there is no way to stop the aging process, a variety of facial treatments and technologies can help to slow the skin’s aging process, and offer you more youthful, supple skin. Below, you will find an array of facials, peels and microdermabrasion offerings. Lisa Topham will assess your skin and recommend the facial that will help you put your best face forward.*


"Lisa Topham is beyond amazing and I feel so fortunate that she is here beautifying us all!"

~ Randi Shapiro Lehrman


Your skin is constantly exposed to the elements, such as the sun and an array of environmental pollutants, so it’s not hard to imagine how these factors wreak havoc on the skin, producing wrinkles, brown spots, and premature aging.

How to combat the inevitable signs of aging on the skin, particularly on the face, hands, and décolletage?

Peels are a great place to start. There are several classifications of peels: superficial, medium and deep; each specific to the degree of skin damage, with each progressive level requiring more recovery time. Peels can repair photo-damage, acne, hyper-pigmentation, fine lines and enlarged pores. But choosing the right type of peel for your particular situation is best left in the hands of a professional. That’s where Lisa Topham comes in. Below, we explain some of the peels available at Split Rock. When you book an appointment,  Topham will carefully assess your skin and decide which peel, if any, is right for you. She will then chart the best course of action to restore your skin to a more youthful looking state.*

Superficial Peels penetrate the epidermis to the upper papillary dermis and may involve the use of Microdermabrasion—a gentle, mechanical exfoliation of the outer layers of skin that produce an immediate polished smoothness. Besides the benefits of reducing skin damage, peels also combat fine lines and enlarged pores quickly and with no down time.

Trichloraecetic Acid (TCA) Peels also produce favorable results in most patients and can be used in varying degrees of intensity. Patients may experience a burning discomfort for approximately two minutes while the chemical application repairs photodamage, acne, hyperpigmentation, fine lines, and enlarged pores.*

Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHAs) Peels are today’s most recognizable and commonly used acid products and may be used in varying intensities and in conjunction with TCA to repair photodamage, acne, hyperpigmentation, fine lines and enlarged pores. Medium peels penetrate the upper reticular dermis and are effective for reducing moderate sun damage, scars and other skin conditions, producing greater collagen production over several months. Deep peels are reserved for severe skin damage and carry a greater risk of side effects. These complications have made deep peels less attractive to skincare specialists, who often recommend lasers as an alternative.*

Lisa Topham also uses peels in conjunction with a home skincare regime, as well as in tandem with some laser treatments for stubborn brown spots, and often for Rosacea. Not sure which peel is right for you? Topham will determine your skin type, degree of damage, and expectations to determine which peel is most appropriate.
Prices vary.*

*The effectiveness of diagnosis and treatment vary by patient and condition. We do not guarantee certain results.